Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Beer Can Grilled Chicken- Merry Xmas

I planned posting this yesterday on Christmas but I was dead tired. We did not go for a midnight mass. Our breakfast was quite simple- idiappam and beef curry something we prepared a day ahead. All we had to cook was a mutton biriyani which my mom did on her own. So I really cannot fathom why I was tired. We even cancelled the bbq yesterday night because we were all stuffed after the biriyani. The only activity I remember engaging in was playing cards but I was dead tired last night. Maybe it is because of all the baking and cooking over the past one week. I can't tolerate the sight of any meat or fish anymore. But my hubby still insists on continuing his bbq spree and my bro and bro in law have joined this cult of 'pyromaniac meat eaters'. I have decided to relax a bit soak my feet in some warm water and read a book but you really cannot do any of that with three crazy guys running around asking you for stuff to set fire on :) 

This grilled chicken was my hubby's dream for a while. He did the execution extremely professionally and I am very impressed at his passion for bbq. It was well marinated and spiced unlike the arabic grilled chicken you get to buy from shawarma huts. We even went for a bbq dinner to  ABS Marathahalli to pick up some bbq tips and were impressed with our marinade over theirs. ABS is awesome, they have some novel concepts like stone ice cream, exotic meat grills and not to forget their mini casino but I found their flavours quite simple, mostly Indian . But they definitely will beat BBQ nation if they maintain the consistency in their service and ambiance and.... well the food. But we have come to the conclusion that bbq at home is the best !!!!  Hope some of you will try this for new year. Till then ciao !!!

Ingredients for Beer can grilled chicken

1 chicken ( nearly 1 kg will do)
1 beer  ( I used Budweiser. Buy can not bottle)

For the marinade

Garlic powder- 11/2 tbsp
Pepper crushed- 2 tbsp
Soy sauce- 3 tbsp
Barbecue sauce- 5 tbsp
Paprika- 2 tsp
Salt- to taste
Apple cider vinegar- 1 tbsp
Dried oregano-3 tsp


Soak the chicken in brine solution ( mix 2 tbsp salt to 1 cup water to prepare the brine) for half an hour. Meanwhile prepare the marinade by heating the ingredients cited in the marinade section on a low flame. Don't bring the sauce to boil but heat it on a low heat. Using a syringe ( not medical one. But the one used for cooking) inject half the marinade diluted with water into the chicken. This process helps permeating the spices into the chicken.

 Now marinade the outer surface of the chicken with the remaining marinade. I saved a bit of the marinade before doing the last step so technically you need to divide the marinade into three- one for injecting( which will be diluted with water), one for coating the outer surface of the chicken and finally a portion to smear while barbecuing. I can't help laughing when I look at the pic below my family thinks it looks like a skimpily dressed woman :)

Now open the beer can and drink half of it because you just need half of it :) Place the opened can on an aluminum foil and place the chicken on top of the beer can. Don't worry the chicken will stand perfectly over the can just like the pic below

Grill the chicken for an hour on the barbecue grill.Cover the chicken using a vessel during the cooking. The steam from the beer will cook the chicken giving it a juicy beer flavor. You know your chicken is cooked when you insert a knife into the breast or thigh of the chicken and juices run down. This took nearly an hour on medium heat from the coal.

Apply the leftover marinade in between the grilling so that the chicken gets evenly flavored while cooking. After you do this don't forget to cover the chicken with the vessel so that it grills to perfection.

You would also need two bricks or stones to hold the vessel that covers the chicken such that it does not  touch the bottom grill these slabs placed prevents the vessel touching the grill else it will topple the chicken, it also depends on the size of the vessel you  use for covering the chicken.

My role this time again was limited to marinating the chicken and clicking pics, it's the guys home who had all the fun.  My bro, bro- in- law and hubby ( the half naked guy) were totally in charge of the grilling business and did a  great job. I guess my hubby is addicted to bbqing and it's saving us a lot of  money hunting around places that serves bbq and  grills.

 Now we can have it our style any time. We are looking forward to the Weber bbq class in Jan to pick some tips meanwhile our instincts and our guide book helps.

Happy New year in advance folks. 

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