Saturday, January 5, 2013

Prawns pickle


Prawns happens to be my favourite sea food. I have issues with fish and any other seafood but this beauty is an absolute delight. Having grown up in Kuwait we have had buckets of prawns during the months of September- Octobe and it was very cheap. My birthday falls in September and mom always made stuff with prawns  knowing my love for prawns. In Bangalore sea food is very expensive and hence when we were at my hubby's home last time we decided to make some prawn pickle. I have been asked to cut down on my salt intake and pickles are a definite no-no for someone eager to cut down the salt intake. But who can refuse the curled up beauty?

We got nearly 3 kg prawns and fried them up to pickle them. I chose a different recipe this time because my hubby said all my pickles taste alike, which I think is rubbish but then trying out a new recipe gives you new insights. The only addition this time is loads of curry leaves and the Indian curry masala or garam masala. We made three bottles full which could be roughly estimated as 1.5 kg. Its been stored intact in our refrigerator because we don't intend having it for some time. I did give the pickle to a friend to taste and she says its great, I loved the new twist in flavour too. Hope yours turns out the same.

Ingredients for Prawns pickle

Prawns- 3 kg
Garlic pods- 250 gm
Ginger sliced- 200 gm
Mustard seeds- 100 gm
Curry leaves- two handsful
Chilli powder- 5 tbsp
Kashmiri chilli powder- 10 tbsp
Turmeric powder- 2 tbsp
Fenugreek powder- 1 tbsp
Asafoetida- 1 tbsp
Curry masala powder- 2 tbsp
Salt- to taste
Vinegar- 200ml
Gingelly oil- 1 litre ( for frying the prawns and the pickle)


De-vein and clean the prawns.

 Marinate the prawns with turmeric and chilli powder. Set aside for 30 minutes. In a wok heat half litre of the oil and fry the prawns after 30 minutes. I deep fry the prawns so that they stay longer.

Once the prawns are fried. Fry the garlic and ginger in the same oil and drain them onto a plate with napkin so the oil can be soaked. Add the remaining  oil and heat well before we start the pickle making.Once the oil is heated add the mustard seeds and let them crackle. Into the oil now add curry leaves fry them for a minute or two. Now add the spice powders one by one and keep stirring. Reduce the flame to simmer and add the fried ginger, garlic and prawns. 

Stir the pickle for a while and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Add the vinegar and salt now. If the oil stands above the pickle you don't have to add extra oil but if not heat some oil in a separate pot and pour it onto the bottles after filling up the pickle.This is to prevent moulds and fungus. And your pickle is now ready to be taken off the flame. Cool it before bottling them. They can stay upto a year if stored in the refrigerator. I have stored them outside for 3 months.


  1. Rarely this type of blogs are found with a great information.I would love to suggest people to read your blog and share the information. You want to Enjoy tasty home made pickle India ? Now you can Buy pickles directly from India’s favorite traditional pickle makers right from the comfort of your home.south indian tomato pickle

  2. Thanks for the info though I am confused if you are promoting my blog or the site that sells pickles.
