Friday, January 18, 2013

Baked potatoes with caramelized onion and mozarella

 “What I say is that, if a man really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.” - A.A Milne

I love potatoes. I resemble one too. If not for the calories I could eat them in an form the whole day.But we avoid them at home for the fear of carbo induced diseases. I recently realized if I cut down on other carbs and had potatoes alone I could balance my diet a bit. And my hubby being an even bigger potato fan immediately agreed to this. We decided to have baked potatoes cutting down our regular rice/roti regime. I had read this recipe on fortheloveofcooking a year ago. So I decided to modify it a bit and try this out. We baked 4 potatoes and though it looked quite less for a dinner maybe all the energy we put in, made us so tired we were happy with the quantity. This is a simple recipe and I guess it could make a good starter. My only disappointment was with the snaps I clicked which did not turn out well because of the timings. I am facing a lot of trouble with snaps I take in the night owing to the limitations of my camera and my knowledge of photography. At times it gets frustrating when you have to click and cook. But since I have been doing it all this while I guess I will mature in the years ahead in photography. So for all you potato lovers who have not ventured beyond french fries and aloo parantha you should definitely try this. I have dedicated an exclusive label for potatoes as I expect a lot more posts in this category. And I hope to enjoy them cutting on all the other forms of carbs. When I had these potatoes, I had a feel good feeling which is an indicator of what gets categorised as comfort food for me. I guess baked potatoes are now gonna join that category.

Ingredients for Baked potatoes with caramelized onion and mozarella

Potatoes- 4 large ones
Onion- 1 large diced
Sugar-1 tbsp
Apple cider vinegar- 1 tbsp ( I love the flavour but its optional)
Salt- 2 tsp
Sweet basil- 1 tsp
Pepper powdered- 1 tsp
Mayonnaise- 2 tbsp
Mozarella- 50 gm

Scrub the potatoes. I prefer old potatoes to fresh one just out of soil. 

Once scrubbed poke the potatoes all over with a fork which will help it cook faster and better. Rub salt all over the potatoes and place them in a baking dish. Bake at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

 Poke the potatoes with a skewer to find if its cooked. Now let the potatoes cool. Mean while heat oil in a pan and saute the onions. Add the sugar and then onions will now start caramelizing. Saute them till the brown but dont let them burn. Set the onions aside.

 Cut the potatoes into halves and scoop out the  potatoes from inside. In a bowl add the scooped potatoes, pepper, mayo and  basil alonwith salt. 

Mash the mix with a spoon or bare hands.Refill the potato shell with the stuffing.

 Now top them with the caramelized onions followed by the grated mozarella. Bake for 5-8 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees till the cheese melts.

And your royal dinner with baked potatoes is ready. If you want to try this with baby potatoes they could make wonderful starters, they are painstaking but worth it to see baby potatoes stuffed this way. I haven't tried them till now but I'll keep you posted if I succeed. Till we meet again  ciao dears!

And isn't she a beauty muah!!!!!! :)

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