Thursday, December 27, 2012

Honey Lemon Mint Chicken

Eating is really one of our indoor sports. You play three times a day, and it's well worth while to make the game as pleasant as possible.
                                                                                                                    - Dorothy Draper

I am afraid of failures and especially in the kitchen that too on a special occasion. And clubbed with my fears is my meticulous husband and his obsession for perfection. So we had to break our abstinence on meat three days ahead of Christmas in our marathon to experiment with five varieties of chicken, two of which would be finalized for our Christmas lunch. At times I wonder how I met a man who understands my passion for cooking and equals it with his energy. I can't claim to be a master of anything anymore.My husband is always around to disagree, dispute and damage my senses. We have strange preferences and it's a volatile atmosphere when we begin cooking but these are also the best of moments I have had in 3 years of marriage. I would modify the above mentioned quote and substitute eating with cooking. Cooking is indeed an indoor sport for us. And we do everything to make it pleasant. So here I present before you our first winner out of the fiver varieties of chicken we tried on our Pre- Xmas try outs.I loved the combination and it was my first pick. I love the way honey, mint and lemon get along. It's as if they were meant to be together. I don't use much of mint in cooking but this was a wonderful surprise.

I guess we just overcooked the chicken a bit and grilled it a bit hard but the our glaze softened the chicken later. This is the easiest chicken I have ever made and it tasted great too. We had some leftovers that eventually transpired into our home made shawarma rolls ( the recipe of which awaits to be shared). Hope some of you will try this and give me reviews.

Ingredients for Honey Lemon Mint Chicken

Chicken- 500 gm
Lemon- 1 large one squeezed
Honey- 5 tbsp
Mint- 2 sprigs finely chopped
Salt- 1 tsp


Marinate the chicken with the above mentioned ingredients overnight.

 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the  chicken for 30 minutes. I had them on skewers so at fifteen minutes I stopped and flipped them so that both the sides cook evenly. 

For the glaze I added some honey and lemon and a pinch of chilli powder to the stock that was in the tray after the chicken was baked.
It was the stock of the chicken so those of you who have chicken stock ready made with you add the lemon and honey to it and heat it up to a sticky consistency before pouring it over the baked chicken.

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