Mango indeed is the king of fruits. I have been asked to refrain from mangoes because I am breast feeding and mangoes are believed to generate a lot of heat and that's not good for babies it seems ( especially colicky babies) and it was the same last year too because of pregnancy. It's amazing how our lives change forever with the arrival of kids. I hate the part where it interferes with my diet but I cannot bear to see my little one cry with tummy ache and contrary to what many friends told me, I see a direct correlation between my babies colic and my diet pattern so I am off tangy, citrus, spicy stuff and its helping the kiddo. So mangoes are definitely off the list, but then that cannot stop me from blogging so I force fed my family with these popsicles, they are my official tasters for the mango season. There's a lot of mango- tango coming up soon, I have jam, cake, wine and panacotta on my mind, don't know if I can try them all with my doomsday ( read thesis submission) looming over me. But when stressed one should always cook because "stressed spelled backwards is dessert".
Ingredients for Mango Lassi Popsicles
Mango- 500 gm ( I used Bagnapally)
Condensed milk- 200 ml
Yogurt- 250 ml
Cardamoms- 2 ( powdered)
Blend all the ingredients in a food processor and chill in popsicle mould for 6-8 hours and that's it. Enjoy !!!!
Note: I added a little milk and blended the mangoes before adding the yogurt and condensed milk.
I am making Mango wine this Friday ( actually my hubby is) , wish me luck :)