Ginger bread Cookies

"Christmas cookies and happy hearts, this is how the holiday starts."

I haven't baked cookies for Christmas before. We always baked cakes but cookies we never bothered. But I was determined to try gingerbread cookies this time because it felt too christmassy to bake those around Christmas. Moreover I have like a hundred assorted cookie cutters begging to be used. And that's when I saw this whole wheat ginger bread cookie recipe at 'passionate about baking'. I love Deeba Rajpal and her love for gluten free baking. I have never baked a cake or cookie in whole wheat so I decided to try it this time. And though I planned giving it to my friends my family has been nibbling on these for the last two days- well that's also because this was the first  goodie to be baked so far and once we start baking other goodies this one might not be a favorite any more so I am hoping these cookies finish soon before the cakes begin their show. I planned to cut these cookies using my gingerbread cookie cutter but the cutters were a bit huge for the size of cookies I wanted to have so, though these cookies are gingerbread cookies they are star shaped and tree shaped. Those of you with ginger bread man cookie cutters please cut the dough using those moulds.

Ingredients for Ginger bread cookies

Wheat flour- 280 g
Egg- 1
Salt- a pinch
Butter- 100g ( use unsalted)
Sugar- 150 g ( use brown sugar if possible, I used normal)
Baking powder- 1 tsp
Cinnamon powder- 10 g
Ginger powder - 10 g
Milk- 15- 25 ml


Preheat oven to 170 degrees. Sift the flour, baking powder, salt, ginger powder and cinnamon powder. Add the flour mixture to cold butter in a food processor and pulse for a second or two to get a bread crumb like  mix. Now add the sugar and pulse followed by the egg. Pulse again. Finally add the milk and make a pliable dough. Roll out the dough to 1/4 inch thickness and cut the  desired shapes. Bake for 15- 25 minutes till the edges turn golden brown. Cool on rack and store in an air tight container.

That's don under our Xmas tree he flicks the decorations once in a while and plays foot ball with them especially the red balls they seem to be his favourite :)

Well he did not like these cookies I guess he hates whole wheat ;)

Try these soon, they are easy to make and no effort at all trust me, my hubby did half the work this time so it's technically his  post too :) so archiving it under hubby corner . We are having a beer can 'grilled chicken tonight'. My hubby and his bro are toiling with a syringe injecting the marinade into the chicken right now. I am gonna relax clicking pics. So stay tuned for more goodies - we've got rice wine,  Christmas cake, beer can chicken and loads of bbq stuff awaiting to be posted. And do send me some guest posts on what you cooked during the holiday season.

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