Sausage Stuffed Jalapenos

“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.”
- Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright, Pavarotti, My Own Story

I have been very lazy and despite having a folder full of snaps and recipes I have neglected this space.
Mea culpa maximus !!! It's  been the same with my work too and yet I still feel calm. But today I thought I should mend my ways and it's high time I bid farewell to the procrastination fairy. So I edited these pics and decided I would post it immediately. I guess its time to feel responsible. I turned thirty  last week and I suddenly feel old. I have lived half my life and have been luxuriously lazy for quite some years so now is my chance to play the second innings and I guess I should play it fairly. So I promise to be more visible here. 

Recently I found some Jalapeno peppers at Hyper city market, Bangalore. We also loved these German pork sausages that we tasted at a promo in Hyper city. The sausages were very expensive and normally I would reserve sausages like these for some special dish but that weekend I was in benevolent mood so I decided to make these stuffed jalapenos. This is a recipe I picked up from Sanjeev Kapoor's show on the channel Food Food. I find it too extravagant a dish but they do make an impressive starter. Vegetarians can try a paneer or tofu stuffing. I''ll try something vegetarian the next time I get these peppers.My hubby and I enjoyed these little delights and I hope to experiment with more of them. Hope some of you who have access to jalapenos will try this. It's available in Bangalore so it should be available in other metros and big cities too.I would not advise stuffing these into bell peppers on any other chillies, at least for those residing in India and wishing to prepare a budgetary meal.Stuffing like this can't fill up any huge peppers unless you add few more ingredients ( sausage stuffing is quite a luxury). You really need small cases to hold these. But for those of you abroad where sausages might be more affordable I am sure you can fill them in bell peppers too.
 So till we meet again bon apetit ! and have a blast !

Ingredients for Sausage Stuffed Jalapenos

Jalapenos- 12 nos
Sausages (Pork/Chicken)- 3
Onion- 1 medium size
Cheese- 30 gms
Garlic- 2-3 cloves
Pepper- 1 tsp


Slit the Jalapenos into halves and deseed them.

In a mixer mince the chopped sausages along with diced garlic, onion, cheese and pepper powder.Stuff the Jalapenos with the stuffing. Don't over fill the peppers.

 Line the filled peppers in a baking dish. Drizzle some oil on top of the stuffed peppers. bake at 180 degrees for 20- 30 minutes till the stuffing browns.

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