Marbled chocolate cupcakes Ingredients
( Adapted from Cupcakes and Muffins 100 everyday recipes)
Butter- 175 g
Caster Sugar- 175 g
Flour- 175 g
Milk- 2 tbsp
Plain chocolate melted- 55 g
Beat the butter and sugar in a bowl till its fluffy and light. Add eggs to the mixture one b one and beat well. Now add the milk followed by the flour beat together until smooth.
Divide the mixture equally into two bowls. Add the melted chocolate to one bowl and stir together until well mixed. Using a teaspoon, and alternating the chocolate mixture with plain mixture, put four and half teaspoons into each paper cases lined in the cup cake tray.
Bake the cupcakes in a prehated oven at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes until well risen and springy to touch.
Happy Easter folks. Its been quite a hectic season for me with family around. I have been enjoying the opportunity of being able to make new dishes every day but it also has occupied me so much that I have not been able to blog. Hope you all have a blessed easter and some of you can try this easy cup cakes. With the lenten season coming to an end get prepared for some new exciting non vegetarian recipes waiting here in my folder for you. Till then stay tuned. Good night !